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Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 7, 2015

The Pan Am Game Organizers Don't Want Anyone Linking To Their Website

Good luck with that.

The Pan Am games are underway in Toronto and the organizers are very serious about protecting their brand.

The Pan Am games are underway in Toronto and the organizers are very serious about protecting their brand.

USA Today Sports / Reuters

A paragraph in the Pan Am website's terms of use forbid linking to it without written consent from game organizers.

A paragraph in the Pan Am website's terms of use forbid linking to it without written consent from game organizers.

Pan Am / Via

Which is about as unenforceable as it sounds.

Which is about as unenforceable as it sounds.


The Register, a UK tech news site, noticed the linking rule amid the "incomprehensible legalese" and concluded that " lawyers appear confused by this internet thingy."

Being manners-minded Brits, they requested permission to link to the website.

Dear Pan Am Games lawyers,

Welcome to the internet.

We would like to seek permission to link to your website for a story we are writing about how ludicrous it is that you are requesting people to ask permission to link to your site.

And got this response.

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Technical details of permanent failure…

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