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Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 8, 2015

23 Questions Welsh Rugby Fans Have For English Rugby Fans

We gave Welsh people the opportunity to ask the questions they’ve always wanted to ask (h/t Paul Rowland, James King, Rachael Krishna, Elena Cresci, Geraint Criddle).

"What is it about matchdays that just screams gilets and tweed?"

"What is it about matchdays that just screams gilets and tweed?"


"Can you name two songs?"

"Can you name two songs?"

"Only you just seem to sing that one song – and the rest of the world has noticed."


"Did you win the World Cup in 2003?"

"Did you win the World Cup in 2003?"

"It's just that you never seem to talk about it or randomly bring it up in conversation."

Stu Forster / Getty Images

"When was the last time you won a Grand Slam?"

"When was the last time you won a Grand Slam?"

"Clue: It was in the year you never, ever stop talking about."

Michael Steele / Getty Images

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