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Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 11, 2015

19 Reasons Brazil Is Still The World's Favourite Team

Fique tranquilo, Brasil. The world still loves you.

This week is the SuperClasico between Brazil and Argentina – it's a pretty big deal.

This week is the SuperClasico between Brazil and Argentina – it's a pretty big deal.

Mike Hewitt - Fifa / Getty Images

And with the Seleção suffering a little bit recently, I just wanted to remind them why they really are still the world's favourite team.

And with the Seleção suffering a little bit recently, I just wanted to remind them why they really are still the world's favourite team.

Stanley Chou / Getty Images

You see, England invented football, but Brazil made it beautiful.

You see, England invented football, but Brazil made it beautiful.

Pna Rota / Getty Images

Certain countries have dominated certain sports for periods of years, or a couple of decades... but Brazil have dominated football forever.

Certain countries have dominated certain sports for periods of years, or a couple of decades... but Brazil have dominated football forever.

Getty Images

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